


Marek Brandt


1970                                      born in  Berlin / East Germany

1991                                      Social Worker / Photographer in a Youth Centre in Berlin

1992                                      freelance  Photographer

since 1993                           working with video/film

1995                                      Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig, Photography

since 1997                           Soundworks / Soundsculptures/ live performances

2001                                      DJCAD / Dundee, Scotland

                                               School of Television and Imaging / Time Based Arts

2001                                      Diplom at Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig


Exhibitions, Performances, Screenings: (selection)



1993                                       „Papirgáry  Capriccio“, Photography, Video, Installation

                                               Egytemi Szinpad Galerie, Budapest


1994                                       Video „Papirgáry Capriccio“

                                               Eleven Haz III Festival, Pecs, Ungarn


1997                                       "Backflash“  Installation/Photography

                                               Galerie der Fachakademie für Fotodesign, München


1998                                       „Überdruck“ Installation / Soundsculpture

                                               Laden für Nichts, Leipzig


1998                                       "Zwischen Kunst und Design" Photography

                                               Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen


1999                                “Fotobücher  von Künstlern” Fototrienale Hamburg

Künstlerhaus Hamburg


1999                                       „Surprise“ Video  / Audioperformance

                                                Kunstraum B2, Leipzig


2000                                       „Korridor“ Photography

                                               Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Leipzig


2000                                       „Weltrauschen II“ public Space Audio Installation

                                               Kulturforum Lüneburg/Gut Wienebüttel, Lüneburg


2001                                       „strategischer Widerstand“ Videoprojection

                                               14. Stuttgarter Filmwinter, Stuttgart


2001                                       „untitled [Berlin 1999]“ single Videoprojection

National Review of Live Art, Glasgow, Scotland


2001                                „placebo (secure)“ Installation/Video

Craigencalt Farm, Kinghorn / Scotland


2002                                       “untitled (Berlin 1999)“ short version, Video

                                               Chapter Gallery, Cardiff / Wales


2002                                       “Placebo“ 3 Channel Video/Installation

                                               Laden fuer Nichts, Leipzig


2002                                       “fly“ double Videoprojection with 5.1 sound

                                               Academy of Visual Arts, Leipzig